Day 1: Day 1-An honest introspection to know your current chakra energy status
Day 2: Myths associated with chakras
Day 3: What are chakra , do they really exist, the real science behind chakra
Day 4: The specific language of chakras
Day 5: Why you need to balance your chakras
Day 6: How to know which chakra is blocked –part 1
Day 7: How to know which chakra is blocked – part 2
Bonus: 2 minute Secret technique to know the blockage
Day 8: Balancing the root chakra
Day 9: Balancing the Sacral chakra
Day 10: Balancing the Solar plexus
Day 11: Balancing the heart chakra
Day 12: Balancing the throat chakra
Day 13: Balancing the third chakra
Day 14: Balancing the crown chakra
Bonus: Balancing all chakras together
Day 15: Resetting your clear goals to achieve unlimited manifestation
Day 16: Transforming inner self to achieve your dreams
Day 17: Connection of mind, body soul for consistent action for limitless achievement
Day 18: Transforming actions to habits for succeeding in all areas of your life
Day 19: Stepping into your telepathic powers for attracting the right condition and people
Day 20: Re-alignment of chakras for next level of success
Day 21: Activating the divine feminine code for effortless manifestation of money and success
Bonus: Practising the divine feminine laws of Abundance flow in all aspects of your life
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